Retreat Application

Adult men (age 21+) in any stage of treatment, recovery or in full remission from all forms of cancer are eligible to attend one Reel Recovery retreat.

All retreats are free to the participants; Reel Recovery provides all meals, lodging, fishing equipment and licenses. Participants are responsible for their own transportation to the retreat location.


New Zealand Retreats (for NZ residents only):


Please contact us for more details.

5th November to 7nd November  2024  – Tongariro River Motel, Turangi
28th Feb to 2nd March  2025  – Snowy Waters Lodge, Raetihi

A signed MEDICAL RELEASE from a physician must be received prior to the selected Retreat.


Desired Retreat* open dropdown to select retreat

Your Name*



Post Code*

Cell Phone

Home Phone*

Your Email

Name of Emergency Contact During Retreat*

Emergency Contact's Phone*

Your Date of Birth*

Shoe Size (for boots)*

Wader Size (Sm, Med, Lg, XL, XXL)*


How did you hear about Reel Recovery? (referring clinic/hospital, person, etc.)*

Where do/did you receive your cancer treatments?*

Please describe your experience with cancer (type of cancer, date of diagnosis, treatment, current status).*

Do you have any physical restrictions and/or special needs?*

Do you have any dietary preferences or requirements?*

Please describe any additional medical conditions (heart disease/stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, seizures, orthopedic, etc.)

Please describe all allergies (to medications, bees/insects, food, etc.)

Have you ever attended a support group or retreat before?

If so, please describe:

Please feel free to provide any additional information: