Impact Down Under
Reel Recovery’s lasting impact down under: we just received this wonderful note (and amazing photo) from Vaughan, one of our New Zealand participants. “When […]
Fun in Paradise!
“This was the experience of a lifetime! I wondered whether I could forget cancer and have fun again; turns out it is possible! I […]
Jerry Crum’s Legacy is Strong in Nevada!
Now into our 2nd decade in Nevada, we just completed our 11th Annual “Jerry Crum Memorial Retreat”, named in honor of our dear friend […]
A Great Team in Pennsylvania
Our great Pennsylvania Team of State Coordinator Brian Canose, Facilitator Ted Larrison and Buddy Coordinator Matt Brindle conducted another wonderful Retreat at Allenberry Resort […]
First Ever New Jersey Retreat
As the saying goes, “Even a blind squirrel eventually finds an acorn”…That’s E.D. Stan Golub with participant Ed Castillo at our first-ever New Jersey […]